the wave – a single sound
Main content: the cross-fade
Pedagogical objectives
- The student is able to create a smooth crescendo-decrescendo.
- The student is able to respond in a precise manner, to the directions of the conductor.
- The student is able to adjust his or her own volume, so as to blend with the ensemble.
Pedagogical intentions
- Familiarise the student with the concepts of cross-fade, merging and spatialization.
- Improve the response of the students with regards to the directions of the conductor.

"Miscellaneous sounds" > [breath <>]

École Au-Coeur-Des-Monts, St-Pie, Québec. Teacher: Jean-François Senécal
The teacher chooses a sound that is well-suited for the activity and divides the group into teams.
- The teacher initiates each wave by pointing to one team at a time.
- Following the gesture of the teacher, the chosen team slowly raises their volume to the level indicated (crescendo).
- Listening carefully for the appearance of the sound of the following team, the first team initiates a gradual decrescendo, making sure to not create sonic holes in the texture.
- Once all teams have executed a wave, the instructor can open up the process and conduct each crescendo/decrescendo more freely.
- Assessment: was the transition from one group to the next successful? (i.e. with a nice cross-fade movement and without “holes”.) Could one feel the movement of the sound in space?
NOTE: The teacher can ask a student to conduct.
Related activities:
For a richer sonic result, ask the students to freely transpose their sound to the pitch they prefer, with the help of the speed/pitch tool. Ensure a nice diversity.