Main content: verticality
Cultural reference: Beethoven, 1st movement of Symphonie #3, op. 55
Pedagogical objectives
- The student is able to identify short sounds with frank and energetic attacks.
- The student is able to create a short sound with a frank and energetic attack.
- A student conductor is capable of directing clearly using signs.
Pedagogical intentions
- Initiate the students to the notion of verticality in music.
- Improve upon the students’ knowledge of the following musical parameters: timbre, duration, intensity
- Refine the students’ perception of the characteristics of an attack: firm, soft, etc...
- Improve the students’ responsiveness to the conducting gestures
Camp musical Père-Lindsay, Val-St-Côme, Québec
- Divide the group into small teams.
- The teacher asks the students to choose two “rich” sounds, with a firm and loud attack, from the “short sounds” bank.
- The student can also create their own two sounds, for example, by isolating the attack fragment of a long sound.
- The teacher (or a selected student) points in a random fashion to the different teams, who immediately trigger the playback of one of their sounds.
- Assessment: listen to each sound and comment on them. Are the sounds chosen appropriate to the exercise (clear attack and articulate)? Were the signs of the conductor well respected?
- Students revise their choices, if necessary.
- Repeat the exercise but with a student conductor.
Example: Creating sounds
(The value on the metronome is very low, as such a sound will not repeat if a student hold the "pluck" tool for longer then needed.)
Suggestion for a creative activity
- Ask the students what might be the contrary to verticality.
- Ask the students to find a “horizontal” sound from the fonofone banks, or to create one.
- Build a texture using these sounds.
- Collectively decide upon a musical form, based on the opposition between “horizontality” and “verticality”.