similarity and difference
Main content : Similarity and contrast between sounds
Pedagogical objectives
- The student is able to describe the distinguishing features of sounds in their own words.
- The student is able to justify their choices (similarity and contrast).
- The student is able to use musical vocabulary in a precise way.
Pedagogical intentions
- Bring to the students’ consciousness, that sounds can be perceived and manipulated musically in different ways.
- Enrich the musical vocabulary of the students.
- Improve the auditory discrimination of the students.
First stage :
- The teacher places a reference sound of their choice into tab-1 (the sound [apreggio_elec] is installed by default).
- The teacher asks the student to choose and load into tab-2, a sound from the bank [similarity and difference] that blends well (in their opinion) with the reference sound.
- The teacher asks the student to choose and load into tab-3, a sound from the bank [similarity and difference] that contrasts clearly (in their opinion) with the reference sound.
Second stage:
Each student first presents to the class, their choice of a blending sound. They are asked to justify their choice. Possible questions for assessment: Did someone else choose the same blending sound/contrasting sound? Could the blending or contrasting sounds switch roles?
- Repeat point 1, while switching to the contrasting sound.
[arpège_électr] --- [xylo]
- Hear the dynamic range (from ff to ppp )
- Compare rhythm and melody (arpeggio vs. a single note)
[pic-scroutch-desc] --- [piano]
- Hear the melody.
- Compare to the timbre.
[ti-q-ti-q-tic] --- [maraccas]
- Identify the constant rhythm
- Compare the timbre and dynamic range (profile vs. decrescendo)
Pushing the envelope...
[individual work]
- The teacher proposes two contrasting sounds and asks the students to find ways to associate the two, with the help of manipulation tools. These can be suggested by the teacher or left to the discretion of the student. Alternatively, the teacher can propose two similar sounds and ask the student to oppose them, again with the help of manipulation tools.
- The student is asked to justify/explain his choices.