hear the difference (teacher version)

An ear-training game to capture the difference between an original sound and its slightly modified copy.


Pedagogical objective

  • The student is able to identify parameters when comparing two sounds: inversion, speed, pitch, volume, duration, the addition or subtraction of fragments etc...

Pedagogical intentions

  • Improve the auditory discrimination of the students.
  • Enrich the musical vocabulary of the students.



This activity entails two sub-levels that the teacher must download:

Find the difference - students

Find the difference - teacher

Only the “students” activity should be uploaded to the iPads of the classroom.

  1. The teacher plays a first sound.
  2. The students search for this same sound in their sound-bank.
  3. Once all the students have located the sound, the teacher asks how the two differ.
  4. Once the correct answer has been discovered, the group listens again to the two sounds, making sure that each student recognizes the difference and the nature of the manipulation in question.
  1. one more note
  2. half tone lower
  3. a vibrato is added
  4. sounds reversed
  5. last sound is changed
  6. slower
  7. word order changed
  8. half tone higher
  9. a fragment is reversed
  10. reversed
  11. additional silences
  12. faster